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November 14, 2024
12:00 - 1:30 Pacific

1:00 - 2:30 Mountain
2:00 - 3:30 Central
3:00 - 4:30 Eastern

"I wish I would have found this sooner."
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This is the #1 comment we hear after someone experiences a coaching workshop for the first time.

Because this is not like your typical workshop or class or pep talk.

Maybe you're stuck in some area of your life.

Your marriage. Your parenting. Your business. Your health.

You're sick and tired of the struggle and even worse is the voice in your head telling you that you should have this figured out by now.

I get it.

I've not only been there, I've been coaching for over ten years.

I've helped thousands of people with every problem you can imagine.

And I've helped thousands more achieve their most impossible dream goals.

Whether you know what you want help with or your just curious what all the fuss is about, you're invited to come try out a complimentary coaching workshop.

What have you got to lose?

November 14, 2024
12:00 - 1:30 Pacific
1:00 - 2:30 Mountain
2:00 - 3:30 Central
3:00 - 4:30 Eastern

"I wish I would have found this sooner." 
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This is the #1 comment we hear after someone experiences a coaching workshop for the first time.

Because this is not like your typical workshop or class or pep talk.

Maybe you're stuck in some area of your life.

Your marriage. Your parenting. Your business. Your health.

You're sick and tired of the struggle and even worse is the voice in your head telling you that you should have this figured out by now.

I get it.

I've not only been there, I've been coaching for over ten years.

I've helped thousands of people with every problem you can imagine.

And I've helped thousands more achieve their most impossible dream goals.

Whether you know what you want help with or your just curious what all the fuss is about, you're invited to come try out a complimentary coaching workshop.

What have you got to lose?

November 14, 2024
12:00 - 1:30 Pacific
1:00 - 2:30 Mountain
2:00 - 3:30 Central
3:00 - 4:30 Eastern
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Register today if you want to be more confident and conquer your goals.
What you've been taught about your needs and emotions is incomplete if not wrong

Most of us were not taught the truth about what creates emotions or what to do with them when we feel them. This has led to a world full of people focusing on the wrong things. But that's about to change.
My exclusive 5-part process for solving any problem

There are only 5 parts to any problem or goal we want to achieve. When we understand this we can focus on the parts that need attention and not on the parts that don't get us anywhere. 
What to do next

If you give me your full attention I guarantee you will feel a shift in your emotions and mental energy by the end of this call. But if you want to continue on this new path, you'll need to keep practicing it. You'll leave knowing exactly how to do that. 
What you've been taught about your needs and emotions is incomplete if not wrong

Most of us were not taught the truth about what creates emotions or what to do with them when we feel them. This has led to a world full of people focusing on the wrong things. But that's about to change.
My exclusive 5-part process for solving any problem

There are only 5 parts to any problem or goal we want to achieve. When we understand this we can focus on the parts that need attention and not on the parts that don't get us anywhere.
What to do next

If you give me your full attention I guarantee you will feel a shift in your emotions and mental energy by the end of this call. But if you want to continue on this new path, you'll need to keep practicing it. You'll leave knowing exactly how to do that.
 About Jody Moore  

As a child I was so painfully shy I used to get sick when it was time to go outside for recess. Social anxiety at it's finest. As I grew older I got over some of that, but even into my adult years I constantly sought validation and approval from others. In my mid 30's I finally realized something would have to change or the destructive path I was on was going to end badly. And that's what led me to the world of coaching. 

When I first discovered the tools of coaching it felt like knowledge someone really should have taught me sooner. But as I went on to gain enough mastery to coach others I realized I learned them at the perfect time. The struggle I had before coaching helped me be able to understand what my clients are going through and I'm grateful for all of it.

In my 10 years as a coach I've been honored to help thousands of clients so no matter what your challenge is, I've likely heard it. There is nothing too big or too small that coaching can't help to impact for good. Trust me.

What makes my coaching and teaching style unique is that as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I bring Christian values to my work. But also as a coach who loves you too much to see you continue to suffer needlessly, I also bring a direct and honest voice that will empower you to make permanent changes if you choose to be open to it. 

About Jody Moore 

As a child I was so painfully shy I used to get sick when it was time to go outside for recess. Social anxiety at it's finest. As I grew older I got over some of that, but even into my adult years I constantly sought validation and approval from others. In my mid 30's I finally realized something would have to change or the destructive path I was on was going to end badly. And that's what led me to the world of coaching. 

When I first discovered the tools of coaching it felt like knowledge someone really should have taught me sooner. But as I went on to gain enough mastery to coach others I realized I learned them at the perfect time. The struggle I had before coaching helped me be able to understand what my clients are going through and I'm grateful for all of it.

In my 10 years as a coach I've been honored to help thousands of clients so no matter what your challenge is, I've likely heard it. There is nothing too big or too small that coaching can't help to impact for good. Trust me.

What makes my coaching and teaching style unique is that as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I bring Christian values to my work. But also as a coach who loves you too much to see you continue to suffer needlessly, I also bring a direct and honest voice that will empower you to make permanent changes if you choose to be open to it. 

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